quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2009

The Boy Who Went to the North Wind

Boy, who had been shopping for his mother, was coming back home full of bags in his arms when North Wind took them all away. "Now what? How can I explain it to Mother?" he thought.

Cross Boy then went to North Wind to complain about what had happened. "My surname is Wind and I am supposed to blow," said North Wind. "I will give you a magic tablecloth. Whenever you are hungry, say 'lay the table' and there will be plenty of delicious things to eat."

Boy was on top of the world with his present and anxious to show it to Mother. Since Sun had gone to bed, though, he decided to stay overnight at the inn. In his room, he laid the magic tablecloth beside him and said "lay the table." Cake, samosa, chocolate, ice cream, and marshmallow were avidly and gladly eaten. Boy then went to sleep. Meanwhile, Hotel Owner could not resist only staring at the magic tablecloth; he had to steal it and replace it with an ordinary tablecloth. And so he did.

The following day, Naive Boy was anxious to show his Mother the magic tablecloth. "Mother, Mother! We have plenty of food for a lifetime!" he exclaimed. When Enchanter Boy did his performance for Mother, though, there was no magic at all.

Angry Boy then went to North Wind to complain about what had happened. "I gave you the magic tablecloth, am I mistaken?" inquired North Wind. "I will give you a magic monkey. Whenever you need money, say 'money, monkey;' and there will be plenty of gold to spend."

Boy was on top of the world with his present and anxious to show it to Mother. Since Sun had gone to bed, though, he decided to stay overnight at the inn. In his room, he placed the little monkey beside him and said "money, monkey." One thousand golden coins now glittered before his eyes. Boy then went to sleep. Meanwhile, Hotel Owner could not resist only staring at the magic monkey; he had to steal it and replace it with an ordinary monkey. And so he did.

The following day, Naive Boy was anxious to show Mother the magic monkey. "Mother, Mother! We have plenty of gold for a lifetime!" he exclaimed. When Enchanter Boy did his performance for Mother, though, there was no magic at all.

Cross Boy then went to North Wind to complain about what had happened. "They are making a fool of you," warned North Wind. "I will give you a magic walking stick. Whenever you are in danger, cry out 'help, I need somebody!', and don’t you dare bother me again!"

Clever Boy, who was not a fool at all, was on top of the world with his present and anxious to show it to Not-So-Clever Thief. When Sun had gone to bed, though, he decided to stay overnight at the inn. In his room, he placed the magic walking stick beside him, waiting for the right time to say the magic words. Clever Boy then pretended to be asleep. Meanwhile, Hotel Owner could not resist just staring at the magic walking stick; he had to steal it and replace it with an ordinary walking stick. And so he would...

"Help, I need somebody!," Endangered Boy cried out. Magic Stick got revolted and POW, POW, POW! on Hotel Owner's head. Magic Boy then, empowered by his magic walking stick, recovered all his magic stuff: the magic tablecloth and the magic monkey. Only then Boy could go back home yelling with joy "Mother, Mother!"

Poor thief...
Adaptação do conto popular “O menino que foi ao vento norte”
(In Bia canta e conta, 1990, Ângelus/Independente).
Gabriel Matos

Gabriel Matos é um dos incansáveis revisores do Plástico Bolha e adaptou esse conto para uma Oficina de Língua Inglesa. Pela excelência de seu trabalho, Gabriel também passou a fazer parte do Conselho Editorial do jornal e oferece grande ajuda na composição das edições.

Um comentário:

Marilena Moraes disse...

Adorei ver o texto do Gabriel, nosso atento revisor, no blog, ou seja, "do outro lado". Bj, Marilena